Ukrainian channels are broadcasting free-to-air across Europe via the Hot Bird satellite as pay TV operator Xtra TV unlocks some of Ukraine’s main TV channels.
Channels include Ukraine’s biggest commercial channel 1+1 as well as RADA, INTER, ICTV plus Discovery (with Russian or English soundtrack) Fox (with Russian and English soundtrack), National Geographic (Ukrainian and Russian soundtracks), TV1000 (English and Russian soundtrack) as well as Viasat Explore, History and Nature. Feeds of Eurosport 1, 2 and Setanta have also been free-to-air through the weekend.
How long these channels remain free-to-air remains to be seen, with the ability of local services to remain on air subject to short notice changes. However, the move does mean Ukrainians abroad can be supplied with access to their channels wherever there is a suitable satellite system.
Manual tuning parameters
Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C (13°E) Frequency 11219 Polarisation: Horiztonal Symbol Rate: 29900 FEC: 3/5 Mode: DVB-S2 / 8PSK and... Frequency: 10853 Polarisation: Horiztonal Symbol Rate: 29900 FEC: 3/5 Mode: DVB-S2/ 8PSK
In addition, 1+1 International and Rada are also broadcasting on:
Frequency: 10930 Polarisation: Horizontal Symbol Rate: 30000 FEC: 2/3 Mode: DVB-S2 8PSK
Hot Bird satellite coverage map
[Image: Eutelsat]
Update 15/3/22: many of the services are now encrypted again. This also follows the termination of Discovery’s channels on Russian TV platforms. The free-to-air transmission of its channels with Russian audio on Hotbird would have provided a loophole.