The BBC has confirmed it is putting out extra messaging on its satellite version of BBC One SD ahead of the service’s closure in early 2024.
Viewers with legacy Sky and Freesat receivers will now see extra messaging, in addition to that currently shown during regional news slots.
Sky satellite viewers will also see the messaging on the standard definition copy of BBC One that is carried on channel 801.
The message currently pops-up in between selected programmes. It currently appears on top of what’s on BBC One at that time. The frequency of the messaging is expected to increase as the year progresses.
Sky is offering affected subscribers a free upgrade to a newer HD-enabled satellite receiver. Freesat viewers should consult where they can find out their options.
For viewers without internet access, the HD satellite upgrade helpline is available by calling 0330 123 1876.
The BBC will close its standard definition service on satellite in early 2024. From this timepoint onwards, only Freeview will offer standard definition versions of BBC channels.
Marc Thornham