Have you ever forgotten to log out of Netflix from a hotel or holiday home that offers access to the streaming service?
Ahead of the holiday season, Netflix has launched a new feature in Account Settings that allows users to easily view recent devices that have been used to stream Netflix on your account. You can then log out of specific devices with just one click.
The new Netflix function is known as Managing Access and Devices. The new function has, according to Netflix, been “much-requested” by its members. You can now use it on web, iOS and Android devices.
Forgetting to log out of Netflix in a holiday home, for example, could allow a stranger to access your Netflix account. They could then potentially watch programmes that might generate some embarrassing recommendations the next time you log in at home.
Charles Wartemberg, Product Manager at Netflix said:
“With the busy holiday season just around the corner, many of our members will be on the move and watching Netflix wherever they are traveling to see family and friends. Logging in to your account while at a hotel or even your friend’s house is easy and intuitive, but occasionally people forget to log out.”
Iain Hatton